You are a counselor, and a white woman, working in a privately owned welfare agency interested in hiring a more racially and ethnically diverse staff to better match your community and clientele. Your company has an equal employment policy in place, but it has rarely been implemented in practice as almost all of the staff are white, whereas almost all of the clients are black and Hispanic. You are on the selection team for a new position at the facility. After several interviews, you notice that at least one other member of the team, and possibly more, are not interested in hiring a minority group member, as they consistently ranked such applicant’s resumes and interviews lower than white applicants, even though you do not think they merit it. The vote in the applicants is approaching, and there are three top candidates for the job who all seem similarly qualified for it. One of the applicants is a Hispanic male, and the other applicants are white.
Question: What would you do to ensure that this vote is fair and that the best applicant for the job gets the position?