Although you are encourated to read the entire book, at a minimum read the following selections:
Letters 2-3 (pp. 1-62)
Letter 7 (pp. 135-153)
Letter 9 (pp. 175-19)
Response (pp. 216-227)
Write a response to these selections (or the entire book) that addresses one or more of the following questions:
• Did Halevi address all the necessary historical conditions about the Israel-Palestine conflict?
• How might they be different from the viewpoints presented in Lemon Tree?
• Judging by the responses of his Palestinian readers (those in Epilogue), how successful is Halevi’s attempt to “reach out to his neighbour”?
The review should be a minimum of 750 words in length. Shorter responses will not get full credit. Use evidence from the book to illustrate your points and in-line citations. Your response need not have an argument, conclusion, or other components of more formal assignments such as the two papers.