This unit’s Assignment is the taking and successful completion of FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute’s “An Introduction to National Incident Management System Course” (IS-700.B).
As a value-added feature of HM501, you will receive a FEMA certificate upon successful completion of IS-700.B.
Go to the FEMA website’s homepage for IS-700.B. Read the overview of the IS-700.B, then click on “Interactive Web Based Course.”
Important: After successful completion of FEMA IS-700.B, please save your certificate and submit your certificate in the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox. If you have already earned a FEMA IS-700.B certificate before the start of this course, please contact your professor to receive an alternative FEMA certificate Assignment.
Once you have completed the certificate course, please write a 2–3-page paper that:
Describes the five levels of operation of the nationwide implementation of NIMS
1. Federal departments and agency system
2. State governments
3. Local governments
4. NGOs
5. Inter-governmental and inter-agency
Identifies one challenge for each of the five levels of operation.
Analyzes how each of these challenges the implementation of NIMS.
Ranks each of the challenges from most to least challenging, with an explanation of why each challenge is ranked the way it is.
Upon completion of your assignment, you will submit the paper as well as a copy of your certificate in the Unit 4 Dropbox.
Download an Assignment Checklist to help you as you complete your Assignment.
How to Open and Save IS Completion Certificate. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
IS-700.B: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
***I will complete the FEMA course***