2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


give a response to my classmate’s discussion post

October 29, 2022
Christopher R. Teeple

please give a response to my classmate’s discussion post

A multi-jurisdictional investigation or case is whenever criminal authorities from different and multiple jurisdictions are interested in the same crime or misconduct. This interest brings potential for disagreement and conflict between jurisdictions since it can be seen as a competition. Each authority naturally wants to be viewed as carrying the “lead” on the investigation and having achieved the best results. Since offenders can – and do – move around, it is possible that a single offender can engage in criminal behavior in multiple jurisdictions, given that jurisdictional boundaries are not always physically obvious to offenders (Kim & Hipp, 2018) Network studies used to analyze data from only one jurisdiction binding the network on jurisdictional boundaries. It is possible to face multiple state charges and federal charges depending on the actions of the perpetrator. Usually, crimes can occur at a single state that has jurisdiction or at a national level that leads to federal charges. However, even in the case of federal charges.

An example can be the case of Ted Bundy. He tended to prey on young college women near his home in Washington and the moving east to Utah, Colorado and Florida. Even with several people contacting authorities within their state to report Bundy as a suspect, police always ruled him out based on his clean-cut appearance and upstanding character. In 1975, Bundy was arrested in Utah for aggravated kidnapping and attempted assault. Police had no sufficient evidence to detain him. After he sold his Volkswagen vehicle, Utah police impounded it and with the help of the FBI technicians, they were able to find incriminating evidence. After this incident, he became a suspect in a longer list of unsolved homicide in multiple states. In November, the three principal investigators—Jerry Thompson from Utah, Robert Keppel from Washington, and Michael Fisher from Colorado—met and exchanged information with thirty detectives and prosectors from five states and agreed that more hard evidence was needed in order to charge him with any of the murders. In Colorado, Bundy faced murder charges but managed to escape to Florida where he was captured in 1978 and received three death sentences in two trials.

If this case had it not been multi-jurisdictional, Ted Bundy could’ve received a shorter sentence that he could’ve appealed or gotten away with the murders from the other states. The outcome was reached due to the sharing of evidence and comparing cases and investigations of unsolved murders. Also with the help of FBI technicians, they were able to find hair of three of the victims in his car. Bundy confessed to detectives from Idaho, Utah, and Colorado that he had committed additional homicides, including several that were unknown to the police.

Theodore Robert BUNDY, Appellant, v. STATE of Florida, Appellee. https://law.justia.com/cases/florida/supreme-court/1984/57772-0.html

McCabe, R. (2022). Conversations with a killer: the Ted Bundy tapes and affective responses to the true crime documentary. Studies in Documentary Film, 16(1), 38–54. https://doi-org.ezproxy.umgc.edu/10.1080/17503280.2021.1874236

Ramsland, K. (2013). The Many Sides of Ted Bundy. Forensic Examiner, 22(3), 18–25. http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=i3h&AN=90223404&site=eds-live&scope=site

Raymond, J. J., van Oorschot, R. A. H., Walsh, S. J., & Roux, C. (2008). Trace DNA analysis: Do you know what your neighbour is doing?: A multi-jurisdictional survey. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2(1), 19–28. https://doi-org.ezproxy.umgc.edu/10.1016/j.fsigen.2007.07.001

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