Use the below website
In the news section, you will see news releases about the DOJ’s most recent cases. Be sure to chose a case in which the parties have already been sentenced. It will not always say that a defendant made a plea bargain, but you can assume that if there is a sentence and no mention of a trial having occurred. If the defendant has pled guilty or been found guilty but not sentenced yet, you can’t fully complete this assignment.
Use the information from these websites above to answer the following prompts.
Find a recent example ( since 2017) of a corporate violation of a financial, safety or environmental statute that has resulted in a plea bargain or jury verdict and sentence. What crime(s) were committed? What were the sanctions against the company/business entity for the violations? Were there any separate ( additional) sanctions against any corporate officers? If so, what were they? Does the punishment seem appropriate to you, given the laws broken by the company and the harm it caused?