Research Paper which includes 2 page introduction, 5 page literature review, 5-7 pages of hypotheses development and justification (hypotheses provided below), methodology outline (brief slide on data collection and analysis is included in the PowerPoint presentation), a results section is not necessary, discussion of conclusions. Should be 30 pages inclusive of references charts and tables.
Research Question: What Are the Effects of governmental, Cultural, and Economic factors on the international trade of Meat-based Agricultural Commodities?
H1: The existence of free trade agreements between the U.S. and any specific country will result in an import surplus in meat-based agricultural commodities.
H2: As the similarity between the subject country and western civilization increases, the import of meat-based agricultural commodities will increase.
H3a: As the export currency exchange rate becomes less favorable, the importing country will consume more locally produced substitute goods.
H3b: As the economic distance between the U.S. and the subject country increases the quantity of imports will decrease.