The essay should be 900-1000 words (3-4 pages, double-spaced). It should be typed in Times New Roman font, 12-point type. You should use one-inch margins and refrain from adding space between paragraphs
The task is to formulate your own argument, one that is manageable in 3-4 pages, and to provide textual evidence that supports it. You are not required to consult other sources for this assignment. But if you do, you should include an MLA “Works Cited” page at the end of your essay.
Many characters in Ngugi’s novel A Grain of Wheat struggle to communicate. While some of them are constrained by physical disabilities (e.g., Gitogo), others suffer from emotional and/or mental forms of paralysis (e.g., Mugo). How does Ngugi use such characters to underscore the importance of communication? Why does he think people need to open their hearts to each other? How do we hurt ourselves and others through our silence?