Object: Nok figure and Egyptian figurine from Abydos Middle Cemetery Project (slides attached)
Length: 450-550 words (please remain within the word limit)
Format: Written in paragraphs, word-processed, double-spaced with a 12pt font. Remember to write your name and lab number at the top of your document. The assignment is worth 20% of your course grade (see syllabus p. 7).
Instructions: This is a fifty-minute test (corresponding to the actual class time 11:00-11:50) but the test will be available to you 09:00 am in the day of the exam. Please submit your essays by the time set up by your lab instructors. Please read the following questions and compose your essays following the instructions and format requirements.
Essay Question: Please study the attached slide: on one side is an artefact of the Nok culture in Africa discussed in lecture, on the other is an Egyptian artefact discussed in a Lab session. Discuss these two objects in terms of: material, form, archaeological context, and function. How are they identical? How do they differ? In what ways do they illuminate the cultures which made them and consumed them?