Assignment: Make 3 different types of charts for each tab, each tab put the data in a way that it can be used per the section of the case study so in one tab I am going to choose to see the difference of the before and after and use a line graph for another use the average between the two and pick a pie chart to see how many points are between 1-5, 5-10, 10-15.
****Write why you chose those ways. You chose to do it like that because it allowed you to view the changes over time which is helpful in 5S to see how it progressed.
#1 First review the data and the case study together. Look to see what the numbers mean to you. Example Sandwich production is the first number in the serious Time, People, sandwiches, what is the number? If you pick time is it time in minutes, days, hours, weeks, etc.
#2 Once you have decided what the numbers mean to you then figure out how to properly display those numbers on a graph. Do you need to look at the difference between initial and original? Do you need to look at the percentage difference? Maybe only graph one side or the other? Is there a trend? What is the mean difference? What is the mode in each category? You can decide however you want to in order to figure out what is going on.
#3 Create the graphs 3 for each tab. The graphs need to have a header, axis labels, etc. The graphs need to be what I call a “stand alone document”. This means that if you print off just the graph and hand it to someone can they tell what is going on? Can they follow the chart?
#4 Give an Analysis of the best chart of the 3. Like I mentioned about not all charts project the best. Which one tells the story better?
PS: If you use Time 99% of the time a line graph is always the better one over pie and bar.