Why. Hominins PBS Nova Becoming Human 2 .
: watch and answer from the attached video below.
There are no articles to read for this section and the information for this essay is to be taken only from the reading above. Spend a few minutes and read the notes. Also, there is not an i123a note section for this time but, be sure to add the i123a video notes from the above section to your video total.
In a five part essay write 5 paragraphs with at least 10 lines per paragraph. Write about the following in +/- 250 words. Read the prompt and use information from the written and video lessons above to answer the questions and finish with
The idea is to write this first on your own time then simply paste it into the quiz section for this.
P1. Discuss the wide variations of the mosaic evolution as seen by Are We The Same or Similar: Humans and Non-Human-Hominins section above.
P2. Discuss some distinct adaptations either cultural or biological of any one of species from the video. NOVA Becoming Human part 1 first steps.
P3. Discuss some distinct adaptations either cultural or biological of any one of species from the video. NOVA. Becoming Human part 2 Homo erectus,
P4. Discuss some distinct adaptations either cultural or biological of any one of species from the video. NOVA.Becoming Human part 3 Last Human standing
P5. Discuss the idea of evolution and how this course from the beginning has set up an idea of scientific inquiry and analysis. For part 5, there have been six sections to draw from
Anthropology and student skills
Science basics for the course regarding information about genetics.
Evolution and the unique applications of the skeleton and bipedalism
Evolution of animals
Hominins and humans