The field of nutrition offers a wide variety of career opportunities. Before you complete your Discussion, review the following articles[1] :
Navigating the Professional Job Market as a Nutrition Science Graduate | Purdue Global
Exploring Holistic Nutrition: Education, Certification, & Careers
Careers in Nutrition CDM: Certified Dietary Manager (CDM)
Then Address the following:
What are some employment opportunities for candidates who have their B.S. degree in Nutrition?
Perform a job search for nutrition jobs and share your results with the class. Some ideas may include: nutrition researcher, nutrition educator, food scientist, food label expert, diet coach, nutrition coach, nutrition teacher, food safety representative, food service manager, patient nutrition manager, specialty menu consultant, culinary/food stylist, nutrition & lifestyle advisor.
Are there any licenses or certifications relating to these jobs? If so, how are those requirements obtained?
Are you interested in pursuing another degree? (Graduate school or other post-graduate education)