Refer to attached instructions that is necessary for the understanding and completion of this project. The argument must be between 500 and 750 words (the equivalent of two to three double-spaced pages if submitted in traditional essay format). Although presented on a wiki, the argument must conform to all general guidelines for written work for this course. It must include proper citations for the image and any other sources used and a Works Cited page. Include the reference URL for the image in your works cited entry.
Students will share with the class their argument, along with the chosen image, and four discussion questions for the class to consider on a class-wide wiki. Technical instructions for how to submit on the wiki are included in a separate document on Blackboard.
The argument should answer the following prompt:
Why should this image be included in the class collection? What does it add to our discussion of South Carolina generally and of the chosen text (Red Hills and Cotton or Lemon Swamp) particularly? How does it complicate or complement our understanding of the State and of your chosen text? Please make reference to your classmates’ discussions of the text and include, properly cited, any outside sources that are relevant. You may want to frame your argument in reference to the course aims outlined on the syllabus.
The argument must be between 500 and 750 words (the equivalent of two to three double-spaced pages if submitted in traditional essay format). Although presented on a wiki, the argument must conform to all general guidelines for written work for this course. It must include proper citations for the image and any other sources used and a Works Cited page. Include the reference URL for the image in your works cited entry.
After the 500-word (minimum length) argument is completed, include four questions that you believe the class should use as guides for engaging this image. You have studied and contemplated this image at length. What should someone consider when first approaching it? What would you prompt a person to consider? You need not provide answers to the questions that you supply in this section. Remember that these questions are in addition to the paper and should not be included in the word count.
Additional Notes From the Professor:
We move next module from the Upstate to Charleston, from a white male farmer’s perspective on the agrarian South to an African-American woman’s experience of the Jim Crow South. Lemon Swamp and Other Places introduces a radically different voice with a clearly differentiated perspective but be mindful as you read of the similarities between the two texts as well. We will pick up with these concerns next week.
You will not have a paper assignment due next week. Your last major project, the Image Archive Digital Project, will be due at the end of Module Six, on Friday, August 5th. A detailed assignment sheet will be included in next week’s module, but I would like for you to begin considering this project now. For this project, students will choose an image from a particular historical archive (more details below) and argue for its inclusion as part of the class materials. This image must complicate or complement our class’s understanding of one of the two memoirs we will read this semester, Red Hills and Cotton or Lemon Swamp. Students will present their chosen image, along with their argument for its connection to one of the memoirs, in a class-wide wiki. Detailed instructions for how to submit on the wiki will be in next week’s module.
To get started, browse the archive we will use for the assignment, the South Carolina Digital Library housed at Access the slides below for visual instructions on how to search this website for relevant images. As you read the memoirs this week and next, consider what images might enhance the class’s consideration of the texts. (Attached)
These slides explain in descriiptive and pictorial detail how to access the image archives housed at