question 1
Based on what you read, what is one antiracist or decolonizing step you can take in your current (or near-future) profession, and why is it an important step to take?
Question 2
We are growing more diverse. Babies of color now outnumber non-Hispanic white babies (1 year or younger), according to new estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. The newest estimate shows that on July 1, 2015, the population of racial or ethnic minority babies was 50.2 percent. We’ve already been seeing this shift in U.S. schools: the 2014-15 school year marked the first time that minority student enrollment in public schools surpassed that of white students.
These trends mean:
. •The population that schools depend on for financial support is increasingly older, non-Hispanic, and white, and does not have school-age children.
•Achievement gaps between student groups will have ever-more-serious economic implications. Minorities have historically been under-represented in such professions as science, medicine, and engineering. With the non-Hispanic white population shrinking and the entry-level workforce increasingly made up of minorities, the nation could face serious shortages in many critical professions.” (from Center of Public Education)
How has the changing demographics changed your teaching or how will it in the future?