1. Discuss why Archaic Homo sapiens do not fit within the “caveman” stereotype.
2. What was the role of climate and region in terms of the physical and cultural variability of Archaic Homo sapiens? Pick one group of Archaic Homo sapiens to illustrate your point(s).
3. Discuss the skeletal traits that define modern Homo sapiens. How does regional variability play a role in defining the skeletal traits of modern Homo sapiens?
Chapter 11 Reading:
Chapter 11 PowerPoint:
Chapter 12 Reading:
Chapter 12 PowerPoint:
Extra Resources:
Hominin Fossils 3D models: https://3d.si.edu/collections/hominin-fossils
Stone Tool Technology Video: https://youtu.be/L87Wdt044b0
The Origin of Us Video (Human Evolution/ Stone Tool usage): https://youtu.be/7btmAMpRLJE
Experimental Archaeology: https://youtu.be/bujAyJNwwLQ
Flint Knapping/ Levallois Technology: https://youtu.be/tA91YHaNTpc
What does it mean to be human website: https://humanorigins.si.edu/human-characteristics (Links to an external site.)
Interactive Human Skeleton Website: https://www.getbodysmart.com/skeletal-system (Links to an external site.)
Skeletal System Video:https://youtu.be/rDGqkMHPDqE (Links to an external site.)