BUAD 6900 – Summer 2022
Case #2
(Executive summaries should be between 1-2 pages, single-spaced, 12 pt. font.)
Textbook Case #2 The Gap, Inc
Based on the case facts in the textbook (50 points):
1) Identify the key external factors that are important to The Gap. Rank the most important five and explain why. (20 points.)
2) Perform a 5-Forces Analysis on The Gap’s industry? Rate each force as High, Medium or Low and explain your ratings (30 points)
Based on your research of the Company’s most recent annual report (internet search; company webpage — investor relations; and latest 10K/10Q reports – www.sec.gov.edgar). (25 points)
3) The GAP mission statement is “to democratize fashion and make shopping fun again. To bring incredible style and quality to families the world over.” Please analyze this mission statement using the framework from the text and recommend a new mission statement based on your analysis. (15 points)
4) The GAP vision statement is “creating opportunities for the people and communities touched by our business throughout the world.” Please analyze this vision statement using the framework from the text and recommend a new vision statement based on your analysis. (10 points)