What is your personal curriculum philosophy? Some of the topics that should be included in your paper are:
• what is your perception of the purpose of education?
• what instructional methods you believe are most effective?
• how should curriculum content be chosen?
• what are assessment methods you believe are most effective?
• what are remediation methods that you believe are most effective?
• how should technology be used effectively for teaching, assessing, or remediating?
Provide an example or image of what your philosophy may look like if an outsider were viewing your classroom/school.
Clearly identify theory from which you have developed your personal philosophy, referring to the textbook. Be sure to include theories that support from:
• an educational leadership perspective
• an instructional design perspective
• a curriculum philosophy perspective
Title: Curriculum Leadership: Development and Implementation, 5Th ed.
Author: Glatthorn, Boschee & Whitehead (2018)
Publisher: Sage
ISBN: 9781506363172