Review this week assigned reading and resources to prepare for this discussion.
Assessing the Efficiency of Risk Mitigation Strategies in Supply Chains (article attached).
What factors should be considered when creating a risk mitigation strategy? Compare and contrast two risk mitigation strategies and suggest why one strategy may provide a better outcome over another based on the factors that you identified.
Describe a personal experience with product shortage and whether the disruption is related to scheduling issues, long-term or short-term planning constraints.
What were the effects of the disruption?
What are potential supply chain risk mitigation barriers that relate to the disruption.
It is important to include at least one industry authoritative or scholarly source per discussion. Textbooks and online resources (e.g., wikipedia, investopedia, blogs, smallbuschron, online magazines are not scholarly resources) are not considered scholarly sources. Scholarly articles are peer-reviewed and can be obtained in the APU online library or through Google scholar.
Discussion Requirements
Initial Post: 300 minimum words
APA 7th Edition formatting
Citation Requirement: Minimum of 2-3 scholarly, peer-reviewed source properly cited and referenced.