Write a short paper (minimum 500 words maximum 750 words) – on “The role of emotional intelligence” identifying how you see emotional intelligence (based upon their Myer-Briggs personality/16 personality). Please address according to the Technical Writing Standards previously listed. (My personality is the protagonist)
Your paper should address:
Journal results for 3 weeks (Weeks 1-3)
Identify which emotions impact you and when (can be situationally dependent), and overall EQ.
Specifically identify when you use technology if an emotion affects you.
Identify how you use this tool (overall knowledge about emotional intelligence) to leverage your own development AND identify 4 methods that you have identified to improve your own emotional intelligence (hint journaling counts).
What pitfalls will you need to be aware of as you grow into your cybersecurity roles.
How do you see the actions of others as they bypass security controls? Why?