The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and approximately 500 words in length.
1. The paper should be an essay that represents original critical thinking and not just recitation of fact. Evaluation of the paper will be based on both (a) composition (organization, clarity of expression, and proper grammar) and (b) originality of thought, the coherence and persuasiveness of your position, and how well you address arguments that would challenge your case.
2. The paper’s evaluation will depend on the objective you state in the paper and how well you support it.
3. Please see the CISA Holistic Paper Rubric.
4. Please follow the CISA Style Guide if you are citing sources.
Essay Question:
The President’s 2021 Interim National Security Strategic Guidance provides a vision of how America will boldly engage the world to keep Americans safe, prosperous, and free. The President looks to accomplish his vision through economic, diplomatic, informational, and military instruments. As the White House works on the new National Security Strategy, how should US policy be shaped to address the following issue(s)?
1. What should our National Security Strategy be towards China? Consider the threat China may pose to US interests and any common national security interests the US and China share.