Answer the four questions in a way that would further the discussion and use quotes from the readings to support answer
Palmer, Parker; “Now I Become Myself” pp. 436-441
Cronon, William; “Only Connect… The Goals of a Liberal Education” pp. 374-382
Nye, Naomi Shihab; “Gate A-4”
Discussion Questions:
1) Palmer argues that we “mask ourselves in faces that are not our own” (436) as a result of “expectations that may have little to do with who we really are” (438). What masks do you wear? Why does this make it difficult to live authentically?
2) Why is relationship critical to the construction of selfhood? How does self-knowledge (self-reflection/self-understanding) equip us to better respond to the needs of others?
3) How do you see Cronon’s proposed qualities of the liberally educated citizen as being a vital component in cultivating a just society?
4) How do you see the narrator in Nye’s poem exhibiting the 10 qualities of the liberally educated person (it’s okay to answer generally, or you can focus on just a few chosen qualities)? Do you see the narrator’s actions representing “love” as Cronon understands it (381)?