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G. Use Times New Roman Type, with 12 cpi. Margins may be half an inch or one inch. Include the question (single-spaced). Then space two lines, and include your answer, single-spaced. Space two lines, and write out the next question, etc. NEVER use more than double spacing anywhere in your assignments.
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2 All formatting requirements were adhered to (Typeface and font size, spacing, required disclosure statement, etc.).
6 Content – The answers/responses provided are thoughtful, accurate when addressing matters of fact, not personal opinion, and not superficial.
A. Answer the study questions associated with Chapter 11 of the textbook:
Textbook: 1. Bloom, M., Fischer, J. & Orme, J. G. (2009). Evaluating practice: Guidelines for the Accountable Professional (6th edition). New York: Pearson
1. What 2 questions may SSDs answer?
2. How does a verbal case history complement the more objective data obtained for SSD purposes?
3. Describe any two of the four purposes of SSDs.
4. If B means a particular intervention, what does BCD mean?
Note from Dr. Thyer – The authors stress that comparing baseline functioning with functioning following treatment is an essential feature of SSDs. Thyer disagrees. It is possible to begin treatment and assessment at the same time, graph the data, and have a simple B design (not an AB design). This B design can answer the question “Did the client change over the treatment period.”
5. What is the underlying assumption, the inferential logic, behind the AB design?
6. What are phases, in SSDs?
Note from Dr. Thyer – The authors stress that the intervention must be clearly defined in order to conduct a SSD (page 265). Thyer disagrees, believing than any intervention, no matter how nebulous, can have its outcome evaluated using SSDs. Imagine an evaluator placed in a situation wherein a client is assessed on some measure, then enters a room and has therapy with a social worker, emerge, and this process is repeated weekly. Assessment + therapy. Can the results be evaluated (e.g. see if the client changed), without knowing anything about the specifics of treatment? Thyer says the answer is yes. Just as a pill’s effects can be evaluated without knowing the pill’s active ingredients.
Note from Dr. Thyer – The length of phases is best dictated by the clinical demands of the situation, NOT by any guideline that adjacent phases be of equal length.
7. Why do the authors assert that the cleanest inferences should be made from data found in adjacent phases?
8. Distinguish between removal, withdrawal, and reversal changes in an intervention.
9. Why is it crucial, in terms of inferential logic, to change only one intervention at a time?
10. Describe any two complicating factors which can confound our ability to make causal inferences in a SSD.
11. Must B be used to represent only one intervention, or can it be used to represent a package of interventions perhaps delivered by a team of caregivers? Explain.
12. Describe any two criteria which can assist in making causal inferences from SSD data.
13. Distinguish between statistical conclusion validity and internal validity.
14. Describe three realistic examples of threats to internal validity. Do not simply name them. Name them AND provide a clinical example.
15. Why may the external validity of conclusions drawn from SSDs be low?
16. How can the external validity of SSD conclusions be enhanced?
17. Distinguish between direct replication, clinical replication, and systematic replication.
18. Write out a thoughtful question or comment about this assignment.
B. Please watch this overview video on single subject research, and answer its associated study questions:
Single Subject Research (28 minutes)
1. What is single subject research?
2. Functionality is the same as C________
3. What is clinical significance?
4. How many data points at least do you need within each phase?
5. Describe the meaning of Level, Trend, and Variability.
6. What are the two most common types of design in single subject research? Describe each.
7. Write out a thoughtful question or comment about this chapter.
Note from Dr. Thyer – drawing conclusions based upon statistical tests, and/or meta-analyses, is very rarely undertaken in SSD research. Hence this class will give these topics scant attention.