Instructions: Please select AT LEAST 2 Learning materials (articles and/or videos) from Module 5 (either 5.1 or 5.2, or both) to address in a 2-3 page (does not include the reference page), double-spaced précis. Submit to Canvas as a Microsoft Word OR PDF by 11:59 pm on listed due dates.
What is a writing précis? A précis is a brief summary of essential points, statements or facts in an article/book chapter—it forces you to read purposefully. The goal is to distill the reading to its most essential argument, which will make it easier to synthesize and compare it with other works at a later time. This is NOT an opinion reflection. An effective précis retains the core essence—the logic, development, and argument—of the original reading, but in much shorter form. It addresses the following:
– What are the central arguments of the chosen articles?
– Define and explain the key concepts/theories applied by the authors in the texts. How do the authors employ concrete examples to illustrate those concepts/theories? How and from where does the author gather their evidence?
– How do the central formulations of each text relate to each other? Your analysis should put the chosen articles in a converstaion. For example, how is the argument from one article conductive to your understanding of the concept/theory from another article?
*Note, you are required to answer each of the tenants above for each of the articles you decide to write about. Please cite at least 2 passages from the assigned readings you choose to discuss (at least one per reading). No, a works cited page is NOT required.*
Use Times New Roman Font, 12 Point Font and 1 inch margins.
You should use in-text citations for the two passages you draw from, MLA format. NO WORKS CITED REQUIRED. MLA citation consists of (Last Name of Author, Page #).
Check for Spelling Errors and Syntax
Material available: