You will review a case study which addresses an example of harassment, cyberbullying, or discrimination of an individual based on; a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. Students will prepare a posted discussion and overview addressing the following:
A. Cultural and family expectations—How was the person viewed by others? How did this
affect the person’s self-image? What intervention and prevention strategies including how to interact with families should be used?
B. Social & educational environments and experiences— What positive and negative experiences did this person encounter in school and community settings? What were the effects of these experiences on the person’s development? What impact did teachers have on the lives of these persons?
C. Abilities and strengths— What were the abilities and strengths of each person? Were these abilities recognized by others?
D. Action Steps – what action steps should be taken by the administration and teacher to ensure this students dignity is maintained?