Think critically about the use of hypothesis testing in the behavioral sciences.
Implement logic and mathematical basis for different inferential statistics.
1] Hoover, R. M., & Polson, M. (2014). Detecting elder abuse and neglect: assessment and intervention. American Family Physician, 89(6), 453-460.
2]Mosqueda, L., Burnight, K., Gironda, M. W., Moore, A. A., Robinson, J., & Olsen, B. (2016). The abuse intervention model: A pragmatic approach to intervention for elder mistreatment. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64(9), 1879-1883.
3] Van Royen, K., Van Royen, P., De Donder, L., & Gobbens, R. J. (2020). Elder abuse assessment tools and interventions for use in the home environment: A scoping review. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 15, 1793.
Please provide the following information
1] Problem-Problem addressed by the intervention is identified and supported empirically. The problem is narrowed, and specific antecedents are identified.
Is the problem clearly stated?
Is the problem significant?
2] Theoretical Foundation-Theoretical foundation for the intervention or model is explicit, including key concepts that are mechanisms of action for the intervention.
Is the theoretical orientation underlying the intervention provided?
Are key concepts relevant to the intervention explicated?
Are mechanisms of action identified?
3] Intervention Structure-The intervention structure is fully explicated to the point that it could easily be replicated.
Is the frequency and duration of the intervention described?
What are the qualifications of those providing the intervention? Is it described?
4] Evaluation Questions-The specific evaluation/research question is stated, and key concepts are identifiable.
Is the evaluation/research question?
Are key concepts and variables identified?
5] Hypothesis-The hypothesis is stated, and variables are easily identifiable.
6] Outcomes -The outcome variables are identifiable and conceptually tied to the problem statement or theoretical foundation for the intervention.
Are variables identifiable and conceptually tied to the problem statement?
Reading Resources
Andrade, C. (2018). Internal, external, and ecological validity in research design, conduct and evaluation. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 40(5), 498 – 499.
Prohaska, T.R.& Etkin, Caryn, D. (2010). External validity and translation from research to implementation. Journal of the American Society on Aging. 34(1), 59 – 65.
Ruane, J. M. (2016). Introducing social research methods: Essentials for getting the edge. Chapter 6
Shean, G.D. (2012). Some limitations on the external validity of psychotherapy efficacy studies and suggestions for further research. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 66(3), 227 – 242.
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