I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me learn.Read paper 14 – Modeling the Instructional Design of a Language Training for Professional Purposes, Using Augmented Reality page 205 This week’s group research discussion takes a practical look at the application of Virtual Reality. The paper chosen for Group RD#$ presents the instructional design of a language-training model for professional and vocational purposes on behalf of the Swiss railway industry, specifically designed for German-speaking train drivers and train operators who work for the Schweizerische Südostbahn (SOB).
In fact, around 50 train drivers and train operators need to learn Italian and communicate clearly and confidently in this language by 2021. Augmented Reality (AR), specifically the Blippar app, is used here as an additional and motivating guide to learning technical terms and nouns, verbs, and dialogue structures, in short: essential railway communication features between train drivers and train operators.After carefully reading and comprehending this article, you critically examine the claims presented in achieving the goal of considerable improvement of learning a new language using AR.Address the followings:Briefly explain and critically analyze the four-layered instructional design model. You should look at it from an external research point of view by looking at relevant research.
Provide your evaluation of the AR training sequence proposed in this case study.
What is your evaluation of the following statement?
AR technology has the capability to add motivation to the learning experience because adult learners become active instructional designers of their own learning content.
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