An original learning activity/lesson that incorporates course material in its design. During the course we have discussed various sociocultural ideas and theories that have influenced education and educators. For this final you will be tasked with designing an original activity with a clear learning goal.
This learning goal and activity should be influenced by the theories and ideas discussed and explored in this course. Prompt: For your final you will be tasked with designing a learning activity. What methods or theories are you interested in exploring for your final project? Must Include:Introduction to educator (1 paragraph) introduces learning goal, and experience/knowledge/ and or skills that this activity will help develop 1 Learning goal – clear statement about the learning goal
List of tools or material required for this activity
Instructions for educator
Instructions for students
Follow:Complete assignment on time
Answer the prompts
2 pages double spaced
In text citations and reference (if using non-course articles/readings)
Organized, with little spelling and grammar issues
I have attached readings to help you! Here is another link:…
Requirements: 2 pages