You have been reading, watching, writing about home, borders, and migration from a variety of sources. This week you are going to look back at ALL the readings that have been assigned to you from Week 1-Week 7. Go back to your assignments and see the “Sources” tab posted on Classroom.
Then you are going to choose 4-5 diverse readings (1 video, 1 Rohingya short story, 1 documentary (primary source), 1 literary reading/poem, and 1 of your choice) till date that you will be incorporating in your research paper.
Next in the below format you will give a 5-6 sentence description of each source stating why you want to use that source in the research paper. Refer to your work from previous assignments when writing your responses.
Source 1:
Title of your source (for e.g., Fatima’s drawings):
MLA format of the source: Mention the link or the text in MLA format
Annotated Bibliography (Pre-research stage)
Provide a working title to your essay (you can change your title later)
Summary of the source: 2 sentence summary One Quote from the source you will use:
State why you think your source is useful to you for your research on “Borders/ Home/Migration.” In what ways (specify how) does your source focus on border/home/migration (5-6 sentences):
Links to videos and stories: