I’m working on a management project and need a sample draft to help me study.Write a scientific paper in Public Administration on the following topic: THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY AND CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT: THE CASE OF TIRANA MUNICIPALITYContext:The literature suggests that local governments can achieve many advantages by using social media in their communications with citizens (Cohen, 2015; Belle, 2013; Tucker, 2011).
Although local governments currently use social media to communicate, studies on how they use the platform are lacking. In this context, this article aims to analyze the communication strategies used by local governments through social media and the effectiveness of these strategies in relation to increasing transparency and citizen engagement. More specifically, this article examines the impact of Facebook on local government transparency and citizen engagement, focusing on the Municipality of Tirana, Albania. Furthermore, this article studies how the characteristics and specific ways of conveying messages on Facebook affect the engagement of citizens.
The scope of study includes two different data sets, one consists of an analysis of the content of 720 Facebook posts by the Municipality of Tirana, Albania for a period of 1 year, and the other consists of a qualitative analysis of the responses of local government leaders of departments different from semi-structured interviews. Finally, the results of this thesis contribute to the debate on local government transparency and citizen engagement and provide important guidance for developing appropriate social media strategies and policies.Requirements:Harvard referencing stylePaper structure:Similar to this structure: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4dc9/d8c5f420f4b9…AbstractIntroductionLiterature ReviewMethods-Scope-Data and sample-Data analysis and evaluating the results-Findings-Limitations and further research
Requirements: 4,000 words