For your problem-solution assignment, here are the directions: Pick a problem that fits within one of our class units – access, delivery, birthing, chronic illness. Research the problem. What is it? How bad is it? Why does it exist? Develop and discuss a solution. Here’s where I want you to think critically. Is your solution depending on the existing system to change itself? Is it a solution that can/will be co-opted, diluted, twisted to eventually become harmful? If so, either think of a new solution or NAME this.’
You can either:
1) Write a paper (no longer than 3 pages)
2) Record yourself giving a speech or presentation (try to stay under 7 minutes)
3) Propose another medium or format all together (podcast, oped, etc)
You will be graded on:
1) Your ability to think critically and to discuss a solution that you recognize as reformative but can argue why it makes sense OR a solution that is big and bold and may seem impossible but you can explain why it’s needed and how anything less wouldn’t make sense.
2) Plain language and accessibility. I don’t want us to create work that cannot be used outside of this class. So as you’re working, think about sharing this with your friends, family, and how they might find it interesting and compelling. If you think they wouldn’t, time to tweak it.
3) Effort! There’s only one assignment in this class because the last thing I want you to do is bog you guys down with work. So put some good effort into this one! Make it worth your time.