– Answer ONE of the following SIX questions in 1600 words
– Credit will be given for a useful range of relevant illustrations
1. ‘The fallacy of developmentalism has propelled and constrained successive development initiatives in Africa.’ Discuss employing theories of law and development relevant to Africa.
2. ‘Law invariably affects the quality of institutions, including the level of control of corruption.’ Discuss with reference to ANY ONE African country.
3. ‘Many scholars and practitioners now argue that law can be used as a tool in the hands of the poor, a tool that they can use to improve their own lives. This process has become known as legal empowerment.’ Discuss in relation to law and development in Africa.
4. Critically analyse the claim that resource conflicts and law and governance deficits are interlinked, referring to ANY ONE African country.
5. ‘Access to land is the prism through which to best understand inequalities in Africa.’ Discuss with reference to ANY ONE African country.
6. ‘Without civil society, states would struggle to deliver human rights to their citizens.’ Discuss in relation to law and development in Africa.