WEEK ONE: Week of February 9, 2021.
Read The Syllabus.
Watch the Frontline documentary, From Jesus to Christ (One hour fifty minutes).
[ https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&ei=UTF-8&p=from+jesus+to+christ+part+1&type=E211US1079G0#id=3&vid=b5710288dff05ca08640e7b9076afd94&action=click (Links to an external site.) ]
Take notes as you watch for the main elements (who were the main personalities; what were the main topics or issues; where and when did the main events take place; and what are the most significant points of the documentary. What were your favorite and what were your least favorite parts of the video, and why.
Prepare a one page summary of your notes and submit in the assignments slot for this week on Canvas.
Class: Introduction, the syllabus, expectations, textbooks.
Weekly Academic essays: Beginning with the second week (February 14) a short academic essay reflecting upon the assignments is due on Canvas prior to the beginning of each weekly class. The purpose is to assure that you and your fellow students will come prepared to actively participate in the class.
Appropriate to include in the essays are:
6• How do the readings assigned for this week fit in with the course overall? How do they relate to material already covered?
• Did something confirm what you already knew, believed, or suspected? What was the source of the information you brought to the material?
How do the readings relate to your own life experience and background?• Was anything surprising to you? Why?
• Was anything completely new to you? Does this build on what you already knew, or does it challenge strongly held beliefs? Does it make a difference? Why?
• What questions did the readings raise for you that you would like to see discussed in class? Can you propose some possible answers to your questions based on what you already know? In the Essays, students will properly reference the reading materials and sources using proper APA citations. Citation Style: This course uses APA for all writing and research assignments. Resources for this citation style are available through: Georgetown Library Citation Guide and APA Style Guidebook GRADING Grading in this course will be determine by the following grading scale:•A: 93% to 100%•A-: 90% to 92%•B+: 87% to 89%•B: 83% to 86%•B-: 80% to 82%•C+: 77% to 79%•C: 73% to 76%•C-: 70% to 72%•D+: 67% to 69%•D: 63% to 66%•F: 62% and below ACCOMMODATIONS
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations to ensure equity and access to programs and facilities. Students are responsible for communicating their needs to the Academic Resource Center, the office that