The final assignment will give you the chance to reflect on what you’ve learned about American government over the course of the semester and your own vision of how government should operate.
For this last assignment, write an essay about what you would change about the US Constitution or how the US government operates. Also, what policy changes would you like to see at the local, state, or federal levels? Explain the reasoning behind your views.
Your essay should reflect a basic understanding of how the system currently operates, in terms of the powers of the various branches of government, the divisions between the state and federal governments under federalism, and the role of other relevant institutions like political parties and interest groups. I don’t mean that I expect you to give an overview of US government; I mean that when you discuss changing some aspect of how the government operates, your discussion should show that you understand how that aspect currently functions.
In writing this essay, it may help you to look back at your discussion board postings from week 2. You were asked to do the following:
Think about the ways that government impacts your life on a daily basis, either helping you do things or restricting your behavior and preventing you from doing things. Try to come up with a list of ways the government (any type of government: local, state, or federal) affects you in the course of a typical day. Do you think the government should be more involved in your life or less involved? What particular things would you like to see government doing that it isn’t doing now (services it could provide, ways it should regulate behavior, new laws that you think are necessary)? What things would you like to see government stop doing (services that should be eliminated or cut, regulations or laws that should be repealed)?
After everything you’ve learned about American government over the course of the semester, have your ideas about how government should be involved in your life and your community changed any since your week 2 post? If you see problems in your community or in the country, do you think it’s possible for the government—local, state, or federal—to fix those problems? If not, do you think the government should operate differently so that it can fix those problems, or do you think those problems shouldn’t be addressed by government? You don’t need to answer each of these questions in your essay—they are meant to help you think about the larger question of how you think the US government or the Constitution could be changed for the better.
You might also find it helpful to browse back through the various weeks of the weekly guide.
Your essay should be in the range of 600 to 1000 words (the equivalent of 2 to 3 full pages, double-spaced with 1-inch margins). You don’t need to conduct any outside research for this assignment (you may if you like; be sure to fully cite any sources you use).
Here is my week two post she is talking about: “ Until going through this chart, I never realized how much the government is actually involved in my life. like the student in the chart, the government sets the standard time for blocking out study and homework times. If we are going by the chart, I cant say there are any differences in what services I get that are much different. But I do go to the gym and the government is involved by regulating the hours and helping maintain the building when we pay a monthly fee to be a member.
Its honestly really hard to comprehend how much they actually do, but I study so much and can’t go out of course because of covid so there are slight restrictions from the government but nothing that would seriously impact my life. I think the government is fine as it is, it isn’t too involved in my life and it isn’t leaving me to suffer. The only law I would recommend at the moment is the mask law, while some people are at risk, I think it should be a fine if you’re in a store without your mask, but that won’t last forever. The only laws and issues the government should not be involved in, is health choices like abortions. I don’t think the government should have ANY control over what a woman does with her body; it is her and her partners choice. ”