I’m working on a computer science writing question and need support to help me understand better.Consider literals as they are handled by the SIC/XE assembler language, but without the LTORG directive and its capabilities (i.e. the literal pool is always placed at the end of the assembly).Background: In the conventional scheme, the literals are detected and entered into a table in Pass 1. Addresses are assigned for the literals at the end of Pass
1. The operands containing the literals are assembled in Pass 2, and the constants are stored in the object file in Pass 2.Proposed new Solution: Now, suppose that we want to avoid any processing related to literals in Pass 1 (this would be a significant simplification for Pass 1 of the assembler). We want to change our two-pass design so that all processing of literals is done (only) in Pass 2.In your paper, discuss the following:
1. Outline the steps that would now be carried out in Pass 2 to process literals. In particular, mention whether a literal table would still be used. If a literal table is used, describe what it would contain, what initialization would be needed, what would be done when a literal is encountered in an operand, and when the literal constants would be assembled.
2.This approach is a net simplification of the conventional scheme, however, it appears that it would be hard to upgrade to allow/implement LTORG statements (why? discuss)—————————————————————Please follow the instruction above… This is writing assignment! I will have to turn in an outline and paper. your allowed to research is allowed put reference/works cited
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