I’m working on a biology question and need guidance to help me study.
(a) Compare and contrast FEEDING modes among the 4 major subphyla of
the Arthropoda with particular emphasis on the Crustacea and the
Hexapoda. Include how the body design influences their feeding modes and
which limbs play major roles in feeding. Specific examples are key.
We had an extensive discussion on success versus dominance based on the
article titled “Entomomology for the copepodologist” by Schminke
(2007). In the diagram below (an excerpt of Fig. 6 from the paper),
indicate (label them with the following numbers) which Order of insects
is (UN) unsuccessful; (SN) Successful but not dominant and (SD) Successful and dominant. Take a screenshot or provide a list of Orders with their labels to their right.
Discuss the paper author’s main arguments for the absolute success of
COPEPODA as it compares to the HEXAPODA and provide specific examples.
Draw a diagram (label all axes and components) of Arthropoda growth and
apparent growth, as well as non-Arthropoda growth and discuss the
differences between these concepts.
Requirements: Complete with few sentences each