Please send me a message if you have any questions. I have not chosen a at risk group for the literature review in component 2 and 6, so please choose what ever you feel you’re able to write best about. Component 3 and 4 have already been completed an can be found in the attached link to the excel spread sheet. My entry is under ‘Hannah Mac Sweney’ which is around 14, 15 & 16 on the left hand column. TASK 2 DESCRIPTION: FOOD ACCESS AND AFFORDABILITY IN OUR COMMUNITIES The food intakes of Australians are influenced by a range of individual, community and societal factors. Public health nutrition (PHN) focuses on issues affecting whole populations rather than individuals and to develop effective PHN strategies, it is important to understand the impact of population/community level factors on the behaviours and intakes of individuals. This assessment task requires your engagement in formative and summative activities to develop your understanding and appreciation of public health nutrition issues in context. You will be required to conduct research of Australian communities and food security (in particular, food access and affordability) and collaborate with other members of our PHN ‘group’ (., all students enrolled in the unit). To complete this task, you will be required to complete seven (7) components. This includes five (5) formative tasks that are designed to step you through a research process and build toward completion of your two (2) summative tasks. Formative tasks:
1. Choose a community or group at-risk of food insecurity in Australia.
2. A literature review of food security (including food access and affordability) in Australia with specific consideration for your chosen at-risk group/community.
3. Data collection related to food access and affordability in your community.
4. Entry of food access and affordability data collected from your community, into a shared group datasheet.
5. Basic analysis of this group data. Summative tasks:
6. A final evidence-based report (approximately 2000 words (+/-10%) that is underpinned by your completion of each of the formative tasks above (50 marks).
Referencing style is APA 7th.