Part 1 (Refer to Week 5 Readings)After reading your week 5 readings, what kinds of leadership is needed to address the cyber infrastructure in the US?
Use your library references to defend and support your decision.
Conclude with a research or policy question for further research.
You must utilize literature and cite properly.
Part 2 (Refer to Week 6 Readings)After reading your week 6 articles, answer the following three questions.
Separate each response with the sub-headed question statement):Who are the stakeholders needed to address cyber concerns in the US and support your response.
Who are the decision-makers in the world that will help address cyber concerns? Support your response.
Looking at the Roadmap (in your readings), how would you design a response effort in the event there was a cyber 911.
Conclude with a research or policy question for further research.
You must utilize literature and cite properly.
Use APA style
Provide in-text citations and references.
Submit both Parts as a single Microsoft Word document Name the file “EDMG600Weeks5-6_YourLastName.doc/x” (e.g., EDMG600Weeks5-6_Pesic.doc/x). Upload the document under Assignments. Attachments APA 7th Ed Paper Template Wk5-6 EDMG 600.docx(24.79 KB)undefined Scoring Rubric.doc(51 KB)undefined How to Produce Elements of a Well Written Paper 8-2020.pdf(84.77 KB)
Requirements: 1500 | .doc file