1. Describe a situation where you made positive or impactful choice in your life. (Answer must be between 100-200 words.)
2. How did that situation or choice help shape you into the person you are today? (Answer must be between 100-200 words.)CAREER GOALS (Applicant must use complete sentences with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling) – Answer 1 time.FINANCIAL HARDSHIPS (Applicant must use complete sentences with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling) – Answer 1 time.1
* 1. Please explain any financial hardships you’ve experienced while studying at Grossmont/Cuyamaca College. (Answer must be between 100-200 words.)
2. How will receiving a scholarship help you reach your educational goals? (Answer must be between 100-200 words.)here is some information about me my major is Arabic language and 63 years old I came from Iraq and moved last 6 years to USA as a refugee am a low income person if you need more information please let me know thanks
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