In order to help develop your research skills, I’d like you to in addition to simply submitting the assignment, on the first page of your submission, answer the following question (and there is no need to reference any of this, just answer these questions, with a maximum of two or three sentences each:
1] What kind of research projects do you think you might need to do in your future careers? (Please also include here, briefly, an indication of what your future career might look like).
2] What data are you using in your research project. (You may need to look up a definition of data, and think closely about what your data is.)3] What type of data is the data you are using in your research project?
4] What type of data might someone in your chosen future career use? (So if you are planning to become a marketer, a business manager, an accountant, for example) tell me what kind of data you might well be using on a regular basis?
5] What is a variable? In plain English, also tell me what an independent and dependent variable is, and again, tell me what kind of independent and dependent variables might be common and important in your future career.
So please answer these five questions, and submit with them your project so far, by the deadline day, on the Moodle site submission point. Remember to try to avoid plagiarism, and also try to use plain clear English. It doesn’t have to be fancy writing.
Requirements: guidelines