Adoption of online shopping among SMEs during Covid-19 in Omanand my objective is to investigate the factors that influence the SMEs decision to adopt online shopping through social media platforms during Covid-19 pandemic and to determine the importance of SMEs adopting online shopping.
I have done collecting my survey responses and now I need to work in SPSS analysis to write about my results.
First, download the responses and code the data in excel, and then imported to SPSS to analyse the data
Here is my survey. survey ( I need to add you firs in google forms to share it with you)Follow this report data analysis, he did the descriptive analysis for the first sections and then the regression analysis in Findings and Statistical Tests of the Hypotheses he discussed the results for dependent and independent variables for the
others.*note: please try to summarize the important data, but every point in my survey is need to be mentioned and discussed.
*use diagrams and graphs to illustrate the results. Make sure that every figure/table is cross referenced within your text
Total 2000-3000 words. 1.5 Spacing- Times New Roman
Requirements: 2000 to 3000