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320 week 1 Main post: Link to the course resources that must be used for at leas

May 17, 2024

320 week 1
Main post:
Link to the course resources that must be used for at least 1 reference:
The reading for the first week of the course does include, in part, the components of the cell.  The field of forensics investigates what happens to cells and tissues in case of an accident or when crimes are committed. 
Please discuss one aspect of tissue or cell component changes after death whether it is in the minutes after death, hours after death, days or months postmortem. You are assigned a time frame according to the first letter of your last name according to this table:    
If your last name starts with the letter…
…… write about one aspect of tissue or cell-level changes in the following post-mortem time frames:
A – G
few minutes to 1 hour
Do a library and/or web search to find at least one credible information source that describes cell or tissue changes in your assigned time frame.  
Your main post should be at least 150 words.
In addition to citing at least one credible outside source, you also need to make at least one connection to the assigned Week 1 Learning Resources in your main response.
In-text citations and full references in APA format are required.
Reply to at least two classmates’ posts.
Your replies should be substantial and contribute to learning. Ask thought-provoking questions, and/or add additional information that brings the discussion forward.
Each of the two responses must contain at least 100 words. 
Cite sources used in APA format also in your replies.
Time Frame: More than one month
Immediately after death, body decomposition begins, and a variety of vile processes take place. I will be discussing the later changes to the body after death, mainly the process of skeletonization. Before the process of skeletonization is able to take place, soft tissue, organs, skin, and muscles have to be liquified and completely decayed. This happens in the following weeks after death. After all of the body’s soft tissue components have decomposed, we are only left with components such as hair and bones. At this point, most of the body’s mass has been lost. On a more cellular level, it is worth mentioning that almost all the cells at this point have lost their shape and structure and have been reduced to cellular debris. As we learned in this week’s reading about cell structure and function, when an individual dies, lysosomes release contents that speed up the process of decomposition. This may contribute to the fact that early decomposition has a very quick timeline compared to later stages. 
With only the body’s remnants of calcium and collagen left, the final stage of decomposition, skeletonization takes full swing. All of the body’s vestiges have dried or decayed, and as the term would suggest, almost the entire skeleton has been exposed at this point. While there are a large amount of factors to consider in regards to how long it would take a skeleton to decay, it can take up to 20 years for an untouched skeleton to decompose. And, if the conditions are ideal, the skeleton may even fossilize. 
The stages of human decomposition [updated June 2022]: Aftermath services. Aftermath Services | Crime Scene Clean Up & Death Cleanup Professionals. (2024, March 6). https://www.aftermath.com/content/human-decomposition/
What are the stages of decomposition?. Property Restoration and Emergency Cleaning. (n.d.). https://www.spauldingdecon.com/blog/what-are-the-stages-of-decomposition#:~:text=Nails%20and%20teeth%20fall%20out,where%20the%20skeleton%20is%20exposed.
Martin, G. (2023, September 7). Skeletonization: The final stage of decomposition. Crime Scene Cleanup. https://www.crimescenecleanup.com/skeletonization/
Between 2 to 21 months following death, the deceased enters the mummification stage, a phase significantly influenced by environmental conditions. In hot and arid environments, tissue desiccation occurs, leading to moisture loss and subsequent tissue shrinkage. Mummification may occur uniformly throughout the body or localize in specific areas like the tongue. During this phase, bones become more prominent, while tissue takes on a dark, brittle, leather-like texture.
This preservation process retards decomposition, aiding in the identification of the individual and determination of injuries or cause of death. At the cellular level, the dehydration during mummification leads to structural changes within cells. These changes include alterations in cell membranes, protein denaturation, and the formation of tough outer layers to prevent further water loss. The lack of water inhibits the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, slowing down decomposition. Such cellular alterations serve as crucial evidence in identifying the corpse or the cause of death.
Almulhim, A. M., & Menezes, R. G. (2023, May 1). Evaluation of Postmortem Changes. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554464/
‌Shedge, R., Krishan, K., Warrier, V., & Kanchan, T. (2020). Postmortem Changes. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539741/

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