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3.Case Assessment Paper – Objective: This assignment is a practicum-related le

July 5, 2024

3.Case Assessment Paper –
Objective: This assignment is a practicum-related learning experience designed to assist the student to critically analyze, synthesize, and apply the knowledge and skills of advanced clinical social work assessment and treatment planning to a case situation.
Deliverables: A 5-page minimum double-spaced paper
You will present a clinical case situation from your current clinical placement and submit a written assessment and treatment plan. The case vignette should be short (max 10 sentences, single-spaced justified paragraph to begin the paper).
You will analyze your case using one of more theories and models for clinical social work practice. The groups of theories/models include, but are not limited to:
Behavior theory, cognitive theory, cognitive behavioral integrative theory, object relations, person-centered theory, feminist theory, oppression theory, biosocial theory, role-theory, task-centered model, strengths perspective, risk and resilience theory, self- efficacy theory, solutions-focused perspective, crisis theory.
You are asked to address the following areas:
• The Assessment Paper
1. Present an in-depth assessment and treatment plan in a 5-page paper (minimum) of a case from your practicum. In the overview of the assessment, briefly underscore strengths and supports, risk factors, and coping skills, as well as highlight any issues related to at-risk, underserved, vulnerable populations.
2. Discuss the guiding theoretical framework for your assessment and treatment using one or more theories/models from the textbook. Integrate an assessment of your client into your explanation of the theory and its concepts.
3. Discuss evidence-based interventions used, or what you would use – with rationale for their pertinence to the theoretical framework discussed previously.
4. The outcome evaluation must be a measurable way to determine if progress was achieved on a target behavior or goal. Most often an applicable evidence-based measurement tool is applied at intake, throughout treatment, and at termination. The validity and reliability for detecting change in the target behavior should be included (1 sentence with citation; represented as decimals).
5. All items in this paper must be grounded in and arise from the theoretical framework you start with, and you must make this connection explicitly clear. Your assessment, interventions, and outcome assessment must be in aligned with the theoretical framework, with supporting citations from journal articles (required). Papers which simply rehash an existing assessment and treatment plan from an agency will not be accepted. This paper is in 3rd person.
Some Questions for Consideration to include and demonstrate in the case.
1. Based upon the selected theory or model, what are its principles regarding establishment and maintenance of the social worker/client relationship?
2. Provide examples of statements or questions you might ask that demonstrate relationship building, based on the theory/theories or model/models. What do you need to address when undertaking assessment based on the theory or model? Be sure to explicitly connect your line of questioning with the theoretical framework. Why are you asking these questions?
3. Assess the client through the lens of the theoretical framework. Do not just tell the reader how you would go about performing an assessment – be sure to actually assess the clients.
4. When creating an intervention plan for this client, what are some key types of goals and objectives that would be appropriately undertaken based on this theory? Give examples of evidence-based interventions with citations from the peer-reviewed literature.
5. What would be some key intervention strategies that you might undertake as a part of your intervention plan? Give examples of what you would do, and statements or questions that you might use.
6. Related to evaluation, what might be some measures you could use to assess progress and change? What might be some examples?
In Summary, you may you use the following layout/heading format for the Case Assessment
• Client Vignette
• Description of chosen theory/ies (Examples of how you used the chosen theory or model to demonstrate the following and demonstrate means that you will provide some examples of a question you would ask, or a reflection you would make for items above. Such an example demonstrates that you can apply a theory/model to each of the following aspects of the helping process.
• Development of the therapeutic relationship
• Assessment (including details related to strengths, risks & protective factors, coping skills, discrimination, historical trauma, etc.)
• Establishment of goals/treatment plan
• Intervention selected w/specific techniques you have used/intend to use
• Evaluation (what specific quantitative and qualitative tools will you used and when/how often will they be administered.)

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