2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


1st student In today’s society, with the widespread use of technology, privacy c

February 29, 2024

1st student

In today’s society, with the widespread use of technology, privacy concerns can arise when individuals use electronic devices to self-monitor their health. Although these devices can be useful to track metrics such as heart rate and exercise activity, there are concerns about their reliability. It can be difficult to determine if patients are accurately using the apps to track their health metrics such as calorie intake/burned, sleep quality, and exercise duration. To ensure data accuracy, patients and healthcare providers can suggest using approved devices. Nurses play a crucial role in incorporating this data, even in cases where the FDA has not approved the apps. As a nurse, you can provide certain credible health apps for patients, such as the HemMobile Striiv Wearable wristband developed by Pfizer to assist persons with hemophilia in managing the disease (Sewell, 2019, p.357). This wristband allows users to track daily activity and heart rate intensity, offering valuable insights to help them make informed decisions about their health and activities. However, this invasive nature of data collection may raise privacy concerns, and patients may be hesitant to share their information. Nurses must promote responsible sharing of health data while safeguarding privacy. Collaboration with interdisciplinary teams can help develop guidelines for ethical data use, prioritizing patient autonomy and confidentiality.

2nd student

The fields of nursing informatics and patient care have been significantly influenced by the rise in healthcare consumer self-monitoring, which is being fueled by the widespread use of wearable technology and health applications. Despite such devices providing patients with easy means to monitor their health parameters, many apps’ lack of FDA certification raises uncertainties regarding their validity and dependability. In order to effectively navigate this terrain, nurses must first critically assess the reliability of self-monitored data before incorporating it into patient care plans. They can accomplish this by promoting the use of approved substitutes or cross-referencing with clinical metrics that have been proven to be effective.Clients whose work uses these applications and gadgets to track things like physical, calories burnt, and sleep quality might benefit greatly , even with certain downsides. By encouraging people to be engaged in their health care, these technologies may enhance patient outcomes. But it’s imperative to make sure this information is accurate. (Sweeney, 2017). Both individuals and healthcare professionals can use techniques like using gadgets with established accuracy as well as cross-checking data with clinical assessments.Furthermore, nurses must speak about the moral ramifications of these equipment’ social features, such as sharing and comparing health progress with others . They have been essential in fostering the responsible use of data, maintaining patient privacy, and fostering involvement while maintaining integrity and security. (Smith, 2020).

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