2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


150 words needed == Response #1 Nursing leaders and organizations such as the Am

July 18, 2024

150 words needed


Response #1
Nursing leaders and organizations such as the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and the American Nurses Credentialing Center have helped to create more opportunities for the career advancement of registered nurses. Nurses can now advance to the doctorate level by building on their nursing education in advanced academic programs. Advanced practice nursing was supported by leaders such as Loretta Ford and Henry Silver. When nurses first began stepping into more advanced roles, the challenge arose of nurses stepping out of the role of care and into the role of cure. This means advanced practice nurses were diagnosing and treating instead of focusing on the bedside care of patients. This brought the educational training system for nurse practitioners to the discussion of policymakers and professional organizations. There was some conflict within the workplace because some healthcare workers were concerned about the quality of care for the patients. This conflict slowed the process of nurse practitioners in the workforce because scholars and healthcare professionals had different opinions on accreditation for nurse practitioners. This interprofessional conflict was remedied by the standardization of education for nurse practitioners. This has increased the credibility of the role. Previously, the standardization was less strict. Now that the nurse practitioner role is more prevalent amongst all states in America, there is more literature to support the role (Tracy & O’Grady, 2019). However, accreditation continues to have some variations amongst states. Each state requires a different amount of supervised mentorship with an experienced provider such as a doctor or another nurse practitioner. In some states, nurse practitioners still have presсrіptive restrictions and other constraints on their scope of practice. Research has shown that these restrictive work environments that do not support provider autonomy impact the quality of care delivered (Kleinpell et al., 2023)

Response # 2
Since the early days of the nursing profession, there has been a need for nurses to organize themselves. According to Jennifer Mathews, historically, these began as avenues for care enthusiasts to share practices that worked for them to the benefit of their apprentices, and fellow nurses who wished to better their skills (2012). Ultimately, the nursing profession started to evolve from a mere vocation into today’s prominent discipline that it is in the late 1800s following Florence Nightingale’s views about how nurses should be trained and educated, and how patient care should be provided (Hegge, 2011). The tenets of which were meant to enhance the role of nurses and empower various institutions around patient care which they have done to a greater degree, but there are still barriers we shall look into in this discussion.
Despite the great start and successes already achieved, there is more to be done as there are mitigating circumstances that hamper the service delivery of these crucial institutions. According to Kleinpell et al, despite their necessity to nurses, their association bodies are hampered by institutional barriers that emanate from some policies and practices which range from granting hospital admitting, and other privileges, to organizational bylaws, reimbursement, and provider credentialing policies and practices (2022). But there is more. The barriers include a lack of understanding of some of the institutions’ roles, a lack of professional recognition, poor physician relations, and poor administrator relations among other more systemic issues. All add to restrictions on care providers to attain requisite practicing qualifications and documentation, fair assessment of their abilities, and therefore upward career trajectory and other relevant perks Kleinpell, (2022).
Granted, most of these may have not been an issue at the beginning on account of the profession being primitive. Many nurses would have excelled nonetheless as there would be no measures for standards giving way for poorly qualified to harm unsuspecting patients. Hence, the need for a meticulous understanding of these institutions and propping them with policies that will boost service delivery, and keep sight of the standards worth the high value of a healthy human life.
APA format, minimum150 word per question with intext citation, reference less than 10yrs

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