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100 word each for the reply (For your replies, expound on the thread by incorpor

May 21, 2024

100 word each for the reply (For your replies, expound on the thread by incorporating additional research or relaying a personal/professional experience.) Reply to the two students below!
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My chosen grade level for the interdisciplinary project is for grade three. Before diving into formulating lesson plans and curriculum it  is important to first look at both the common core standards and that of the state standards for which you will be teaching to make sure that you are providing every student with the information they need to be successful. Proverbs 21:5 says this, Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty(NLT), it is in this verse how I look at planning for my students sucess. When looking at the core standards and the state standards I did find that they are some similarities but many differences. With the core standards I feel that each subject is broken down into further sub groups than what is found in the state standards. For instance, in common core 3.1 discusses that the student must write opinion pieces with a point of view it also gives A-D standards under that laying out specifuc skills being lookef when writing such as specific transition words and a concluding statement. When you then look at the standard that more closely resembles that standard in the states version all of the writing types are bulked into requiring the same skills instead of specifics within each writing style. What these standards do have in common is that they for the most part require that students learn the same skills but common core seems to take it a step further. When I am creating my lesson plans I do however believe that the state standards do have the upper hand with the amount of resources at your fingertips, such as the curriculum framework that I do feel will be very beneficial to understanding what the teacher needs to convey and what the student needs to be able to feed back. 
English language arts standards » writing » grade 3. (2021). Home | Common Core State Standards Initiative. https://www.thecorestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/W/3/Links to an external site.
Standards of learning for English. (2022). Virginia Department of Education. https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching-learning-assessment/k-12-standards-instruction/english-reading-literacy/standards-of-learningLinks to an external site.
Common core standards help schools in all states achieve a unified approach. Students who study in one state and move to another may find the topics and standards similar to those of teachers who implement common core standards in different states. Virginia state standards are also aligned with common core standards. Common core standards are consistent across various states, allowing teachers to stay consistent and encourage students to compete with students of their age from different states. Students are matched to standard core exams that are given once a year. Some states opt out of standard core exams. Common core standards set the standards for where the students should be and their grades. Students in specific grades should comprehend reading, writing, and other comprehension tests. Common core standards differ from other educational standards because they focus on real-world expectations. Common Core isn’t necessarily federally managed; it is more of a state-to-state decision. Specific states decide on a standard core curriculum, which guides how the teacher can teach the students, what skills the student should know, and when. Common Core should not limit teachers from teaching certain things. There are specific guidelines on what they can and can’t teach; however, it discusses the skills that should be learned at what age. They say the academic expectations of students set the standards. Common Core is better than what the students used in the past. Standards help students gain a deeper understanding of educational material and help provide more appropriate preparation. The common core standards are academic standards that detail what students should do in Math and English language arts literacy at the end of each grade. These standards help students prepare for later education, careers, and adult life. Before the Common Core was introduced, each state had its standards, making it incredibly difficult for the United States of America to compare academically with other states. 

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