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1.     the effectiveness of arms control agreements in the Middle East over the

June 20, 2024

1.     the effectiveness of arms control agreements in the Middle East over the last ten years
proposal 2 file is an example of a paper
this is my rough brainstorming
Zotero Sources:
APA refrence :
Koch, S., Scheber, T., Guthe, K., & Joseph, R. (2019). Securing compliance with arms control agreements. Comparative Strategy, 38(1), 1–87. https://doi.org/10.1080/01495933.2019.1559637
Hook: “The study of arms control over the past century is replete with hundreds of books and reports which examined the need for, negotiation of, verification of, and continuation of arms control treaties and agreements.”
Topic/Problem: “The literature is somewhat less voluminous on the study of compliance with arms control treaties, and smaller still with studies that explain why countries or leaders choose not to comply.”
Research Question: “This report goes one step further by not only explaining why some countries or leaders chose not to comply, but also what lessons we have, or we should have, learned from these historical case studies to apply to today’s compliance concerns.”
Thesis: Understanding historical instances of non-compliance with arms control agreements is critical for effectively dealing with current issues. By learning from past experiences, policymakers can develop better strategies to ensure compliance and address new global security threats.
Serious Popular Sources:
APA :First Committee Meets under Dark Shadow of War in Europe, Resurgence of Violence in Middle East, Speaker Says, Warning Security Failures ‘Becoming the Norm’ | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. (2023, October 9). https://press.un.org/en/2023/gadis3714.doc.htm
Hook:”In a region filled with constant conflict and changing alliances, trying to control arms in the Middle East is incredibly complicated.”
Thesis:The article looks at the difficult issues and political factors that make controlling arms in the Middle East hard, especially with the ongoing threat of nuclear weapons and the global efforts to address these dangers.
Write 2 possibilies for your own hook:
1.     “Middle Eastern states are frustrated by the slow pace of consultations on an agenda for convening a conference to begin discussions on the creation of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the region, an Egyptian official said last month.” DAVENPORT, K. (2015). Slow Progress on Middle East Zone Decried. Arms Control Today, 45(3), 28–28. http://www.jstor.org/stable/24336539
2.     “The powers signed a deal with Iran in July 2015, which is the final product of a decadelong effort at arms control. This effort included sanctions in an attempt to impede Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapons capability. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, ranks as one of the most deficient arms control agreements in history.” Cohen, E., Edelman, E., & Takeyh, R. (n.d.). Time to Get Tough on Tehran. Foreign Affairs, 95(1), 64–75.
Which hook is better? Why?
The second one is better because;“signed a deal in July 2015” and “a decadelong effort”, making the situation clear and relevant.Saying“one of the most deficient arms control agreements in history,” which is a bold statement likely to provoke interest and debate (controversial)The strong language used (“deficient arms control agreements”) grabs attention and encourages the reader to continue to understand the basis of this strong claim.
A good hook includes specific Event or Detail ,Controversy, Useing strong, definitive language to make the hook more compelling.
Write 2 possibilies for your own hook:
3.     “Middle Eastern states are frustrated by the slow pace of consultations on an agenda for convening a conference to begin discussions on the creation of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the region, an Egyptian official said last month.” DAVENPORT, K. (2015). Slow Progress on Middle East Zone Decried. Arms Control Today, 45(3), 28–28. http://www.jstor.org/stable/24336539
4.     “The powers signed a deal with Iran in July 2015, which is the final product of a decadelong effort at arms control. This effort included sanctions in an attempt to impede Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapons capability. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, ranks as one of the most deficient arms control agreements in history.” Cohen, E., Edelman, E., & Takeyh, R. (n.d.). Time to Get Tough on Tehran. Foreign Affairs, 95(1), 64–75.
For Your Paper’s Intro:
Establish an Area to Research:
The Problem:The challenge of achieving effective arms control agreements in the Middle East over the last ten years amidst ongoing regional conflicts, political instability, and varying national interest.  
key terms :Arms control agreements, Middle East,Non-compliance,Regional stability
Questions that need to be answered?
What are the main arms control agreements that have been attempted or implemented in the Middle East over the past 10 years?
How have different countries responded to these agreements?
What are the main obstacles to achieving successful arms control in this region?
How do international actors influence arms control efforts in the Middle East?
What are the consequences of failed arms control agreements for regional and global security?
Research Niche:
1.     the effectiveness of arms control agreements in the Middle East over the last ten years
2.     specific cases of compliance non-compliance and the factors that have influenced these outcomes
Research Intent: (3 main sections?)
My paper will focus on:
1.Key Agreements( major arms control agreements in the Middle East over the past decade)
2. Case Studies of Compliance and Non-Compliance(where countries have either complied with or violated these agreements)
3. Factors Influencing Success and Failure (pol,eco and social effects)
Thesis Statement:
This paper argues that the success of arms control agreements in the Middle East over the last ten years has been limited due to a combination of regional conflicts, political instability, and the divergent interests of both regional and international actors.

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