2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


1.Happy week one. Best of luck to everyone this term! This week, I am choosing t

June 15, 2024

1.Happy week one. Best of luck to everyone this term! This week, I am choosing to discuss the role FEMA played with Hurricane Sandy. Hurricane sandy struck in October of 2012, covering over a 900-mile radius.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) oversees the federal government’s efforts to prepare for, prevent, reduce the effects of, respond to, and recover from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made (Agencies – Federal Emergency Management Agency, n.d.).

What services did FEMA provide to the community?

Services provided to the community included shipping supplies to those in need, deploying assistance teams, providing grants, financial assistance and funding.

Who else participated in the disaster relief efforts?

Hurricane Sandy was one of the most destructive hurricanes in the United States. There were many participants in the relief for Hurricane Sandy. A few of the other participants included the American Red Cross, World Vision Organization, and the National Guard. Local organizations within the community and state also contributed to the relief. Relief efforts included food, water, tarps, hygiene kits, generators, and medical kits (Remembering Hurricane Sandy 10 Years Later, 2022).

How much monetary damage was caused by the disaster? Or, how much did FEMA spend on relief?

Hurricane Sandy cost an estimated $70 billion in damages (Peer, 2023). Within the first three years following the disaster, FEMA spent $10 billion, and by five years, they were at more than $25 billion (FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund: Budgetary History and Projections, 2022).

2. FEMA’s main goal is to help people when disaster strikes before, during, or after. FEMA promotes preparedness through working with individuals and communities through active community, engagement, training and education, and planning (FEMA, 2023). They have tools such as a ready campaign that gives individuals the information and tools necessary for them to prepare for potential emergencies and disasters. Through the Stanford Act FEMA can help with either major disaster declarations or emergency declarations that can be provided with assistance. From August 19, 2023, through August 21, 2023 hurricane Hillary struck California. (1) to prepare for Hurricane Hillary FEMA informed the people to gather supplies such as basic items that their household needs including supplies for their pets are service animals, to prepare their homes such as moving valuable belongings elevating major appliances, clearing debris from gutters, and downspouts, and use temporary flood barriers, (FEMA, 2023). FEMA also provided flood safety tips such as no walking, swimming, or driving through flood waters, staying off bridges over fast-moving water, staying inside the car if it is trapped in rapidly moving water, etc., (FEMA, 2023). (4) FEMA spent around $5,407,406.20 for total public assistance such as emergency work. FEMA also spent $11,960.94 on hazard mitigation assistance (FEMA, 2024). (3) the services FEMA provided words support such as coordinating closely and having supplies ready at the March air reserve base in Riverside, California. They also deployed a management assistant team to the California Office of Emergency Services to prepare and assist with any request for federal assistance. They also have additional teams on standby for deployment if necessary, (FEMA, 2023).


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