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#1: Given the following request to an AI chatbot, which AI chatbot produces a be

May 16, 2024

#1: Given the following request to an AI chatbot, which AI chatbot produces a better response? Please explain your answer in at least 4 sentences
Write a tragic six line poem about music.
AI response:
A: In silent rooms, where sorrows rest, A lonely heart, by grief oppressed. The haunting notes, a somber tune, As shadows dance beneath the moon. A bittersweet embrace, it brings, The anguished whispers music sings.
B: The power of music can be strong, It can make us feel we don’t fit in. It can bring us joy or make us weep, It can make us laugh or make us sleep. It can fill our hearts with love and pain, And make us feel we’re not the same
#2: Given the following request to an AI chatbot, which AI chatbot
produces a better response? Please explain your answer in at least 4 sentences
Write a formal email to my
colleague Jamie letting her know I can’t make the 3pm meeting and asking
to reschedule. Make the body of the email 2 sentences, the second word
of the second sentence should start with Y, and the entire email
(including the greeting and signature) should be no more than 27 words.
A: Hi Jamie,
Apologies, I can’t attend the 2pm meeting. Would you mind rescheduling? Looking forward to it. Thanks. [Your Name]
B: Dear Jamie,
I’m sorry, but I can’t attend the 3pm meeting. Would you mind rescheduling? Regards, [Your Name]
#3: Given the following request to an AI chatbot, which response is better?
(You can use Google to check the accuracy of each response.) Explain in at least 4 sentences
was wondering about the first Summer Olympics after WWII. Who were some
event winners and which country took home the most gold medals (also 2nd
and 3rd would be nice to know).
The first Summer Olympics after WWII took place in the 1940s, a bit
more than 50 years before the turn of the millennium in the year 2000.
The 1948 Summer Olympics were held during the summer of 1948 and hosted
by London, United Kingdom.
Event Winners:
a full, comprehensive, and complete list of winners would cause the
response to become unnecessarily complex and lengthy, so I will instead
list a few notable event winners for the sake of simplicity. Some
notable champions are:
Bob Mathias (USA): At just age 17, he won gold in the decathlon.
Fanny Blankers-Koen (Netherlands): Blankers-Koen secured four gold medals in the following track and field competitions: 100m, 200m, 80m hurdles, 4x100m relay.
Delfo Cabrera (Great Britain): Cabrera claimed the gold in an exciting marathon event.
Medal Standings:
The United States managed to win the most medals. The country brought
home more gold models than any other country by winning 38 gold medals.
In addition to their 38 gold medals, the United States also was awarded 27 silver medals.
For bronze medals, the United States brought home 19.
Their total number of medals won was 84.
Sweden: The
country of Sweden came in a second place for most gold medals,
finishing behind the leader. Sweden had less than half the amount of
gold medals compared to the United States. Their final gold medal count
at the event’s conclusion was 16.
In the silver medal category, Sweden hauled in 11 of these.
finished just behind the United States for number of bronze medals with
17. They were only two behind the United States, who won 19 bronze
Combining all gold, silver, and bronze medals, one can see that Sweden won 44 total medals.
France: Rounding out third place was France with 10 gold medals.
France was able to win 6 silver medals at this event.
The country’s official bronze medal count was 13.
29 is the number of total medals won by France throughout the entirety of the event at its conclusion.
Interesting Facts:
1948 Olympics were nicknamed the “Austerity Olympics” due to the
limited amount of resources in a post-war time period where rationing
was a concern.
The defeated nations of Germany and Japan were not invited to participate following their loss in the war.
Sigfrid Edström was the president of the International Olympic Committee during this time.
The first Summer Olympics after WWII took place in 1948. It was
hosted by London, United Kingdom. Listed below is the information you
Event Winners:
For the
sake of simplicity, I’ll name some notable champions rather than a full
list of event winners. Some notable champions are:
Bob Mathias (USA): At just age 17, he won gold in the decathlon.
Fanny Blankers-Koen (Netherlands): Blankers-Koen secured four gold medals in the following track and field competitions: 100m, 200m, 80m hurdles, 4x100m relay.
Delfo Cabrera (Great Britain): Cabrera claimed the gold in an exciting marathon event.
Medal Standings:
USA: 38 gold, 27 silver, 19 bronze (total: 84)
Sweden: 16 gold, 11 silver, 17 bronze (total: 44)
France: 10 gold, 6 silver, 13 bronze (total: 29)
Interesting Facts:
The 1948 Olympics were nicknamed the “Austerity Olympics” due to post-war rationing and limited resources.
Germany and Japan, as defeated nations, were not invited to participate.
Sigfrid Edström was the president of the International Olympic Committee during this time.
#4: Given the following request to an AI chatbot, which response is more
accurate? (You should use Google to verify that the factual claims in
each response are accurate.) Explain in at least 4 sentences
What is the Lizzie McGuire film about?
The Lizzie McGuire Movie is a 2003 film that serves as a sequel to the Disney Channel series, Lizzie McGuire,
about a young girl navigating her early teen years with her family and
two best friends, Miranda and Gordo. In the film, the three friends
travel to Rome with their classmates after graduating junior high.
Lizzie discovers that she is the spitting image of an Italian pop star,
and is asked to take her place on stage at the International Music Video
Awards alongside the pop star’s handsome ex, Paolo. Meanwhile, Gordo
must decide whether to confess his feelings for Lizzie, or allow her to
live out a pop star fantasy with Paolo. The film stars Hilary Duff as
Lizzie, as well as Alex Borstein, Lalaine, Adam Lambert, Jake Thomas,
and Yani Gellman.
The film based on the Disney Channel series Lizzie McGuire is called The Lizzie McGuire Movie and
was released in 2003. It stars Hilary Duff as the titular Lizzie as she
visits Rome with her classmates following their junior high graduation.
While there, Lizzie meets the handsome Paolo Valisari (Yani Gellman),
who turns out to be a pop star. Paolo reveals that Lizzie looks exactly
like his former partner, Isabella, and asks her to take Isabella’s place
for a performance at the International Music Video Awards. Meanwhile,
Lizzie’s long time best friend, Gordo (Adam Lamberg), harbours romantic
feelings for her, and is faced with the decision to reveal them, or keep
them to himself so she can live out her pop star fantasy with Paolo.
Given the following request to an AI chatbot, which response is more
accurate? (You should use Google to verify that the factual claims in
each response are accurate.) Explain in at least 4 sentences
What is the best-selling video game franchise of all time?
from Nintendo is the best-selling video game franchise of all time. The
beloved franchise has recorded over 832 million unit sales! This
includes not just the core Super Mario games, but also the popular
spin-off games like Mario Kart, Mario Party, and Mario Sports.
is the best-selling video game franchise in history. The hugely popular
franchise has recorded over 832 million unit sales from just the core
Super Mario games alone! With spin-off games like Mario Kart, Mario
Party, and Mario Sports adding another 290 million unit sales, the Mario
franchise is the undisputed champion in the video game industry.

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