2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


1.)Because many new workers entering the workforce today are more cynical and le

June 12, 2024

1.)Because many new workers entering the workforce today are more cynical and less patient with respect to authority, they sometimes do not get along with older workers who traditionally have accepted, and even expected, authority in the workplace. What is the HR function that will help resolve this conflict?
•Know how to manage supervisors
•Know how to manage the skills of young workers
•Know how to recruit employees
•Know how to retain employees
2.)What is strategy?
•Strategy is innovation within the firm.
•Strategy refers to how an organization is going to compete.
•Strategy describes environmental efforts of the firm.
•Strategy is an explanation of past performance.
3.)Which of the following corporate-level strategies is defined as expanding into other related or unrelated industries?
•Vertical integration
4.)When management is working to identify and implement the actions an organization will take, which of the following questions is being addressed?
•Were we successful in reaching our goals?
•Where are we now?
•What are our goals?
•How will we reach our goals?
5.)Which of the following is not true of corporate strategy?
•Corporate strategy should have as little effect as possible on the current organizational culture.
•Strategy should help an organization achieve its long-term goals.
•Corporate strategy should be developed in light of the internal and external environment of an organization.
•It determines how an organization is going to compete in the market.
6.)The primary role of strategy is to determine _____________.
•How to conduct performance appraisals more effectively
•Which employees to hire and which to fire
•How to improve employee motivation and satisfaction
•Which products to sell and which industries to enter
7.)What does strategic fit mean?
•How well the company fits its goals to the company culture
•How well the company fits its internal capabilities with external opportunities
•How well the company fits its processes with its goals
•How well the company fits its goals with its internal resources
8.)Which of the following led to the initial development of unions, historically speaking?
•The Norris-LaGuardia Act
•The Taft-Hartley Act
•Poor working conditions
•Downsizing in a global environment
9.)What is an important measure of union effectiveness?
•The duration of its strikes
•The quality of its bargaining
•How much mediation is needed
•How many employees are members
10.)Which of the following acts created the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)?
•Norris-LaGuardia Act
•Civil Rights Act
•Wagner Act
•Taft-Hartley Act
11.)What has been the norm in the traditional union-management relationship?
•Negotiation occurs between unions and management.
•Unions are authoritative to the members and management.
•Management is authoritative to the union.
•Unions and management work together in a cooperative relationship.
12.)Which type of union lets employees decide whether or not they want to join the union, although they are required to pay dues whether or not they join?
Open shop
Union shop
Closed shop
Agency shop
13.)Which of the following are disadvantages that can result from unionization? (Select all that apply.)
•Conflict with colleagues who don’t want to join
•Decreased pay for union employees
•Bad feelings between managers and employees
•Creation of unfair working conditions
14.)Which of the following can help HR to discourage unions from forming (legally)?
•Voluntarily recognizing a union
•Promising rewards to those who do not unionize
•Keeping employees content
•Threatening employees
15.)Which of the following statements is correct about different types of change in an organization?
•Dynamic change evolves over time.
•Incremental changes are definite and occur almost instantly.
•Static changes are small steps that occur over time.
•Quantum changes are small and quick.
16.)Which of the following is not a consequence of change?
•People will feel awkward and ill at ease.
•People will think of what they have to give up.
•People will continue the changes once the initial pressure is off.
•People will feel alone, even if others are going through it also.
17.)Which of the following is not part of the three Cs mindset of vulnerability?
18.)Peter Senge stated that learning organizations are ___________.
•Organizations that focus on managerial aspiration
•Organizations that continually expand their capacity to make a profit
•Organizations that rediscover effective patterns of thinking
•Organizations that create the results they truly desire
19.)All of the following are advantages organizations can experience when they go through significant change except _________.
•Change can allow the firm to find what has prevented it from achieving strategic goals
•Change can allow the firm to address specific challenges
•Change can allow the firm to compete in today’s global environment
•Change can allow the firm to remain unaffected by the external environment
20.)Which of the following is not true of organizational development and change?
•The desire to change will have a large effect on whether or not change will be effective.
•Strategy involves determining which products to sell and which industries to enter.
•It is necessary for management to align change with shifts in the market but not with strategic goals.
•Change is often necessary to help an organization meet the needs of the market and the organization itself.

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