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1-1: Capstone Project Proposal Start Assignment Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 100

May 23, 2024

1-1: Capstone Project Proposal
Start Assignment
Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points 100
Submitting a file upload
The purpose of this assignment is to identify potential state or local policies that could serve as a focus for your capstone project.
In this assignment, you will identify potential state or local policies that could serve as a focus for your capstone project. In this initial step, you’ll explore 3 different policy options and present your ideas to the instructor for feedback. The choice of direction is in your hands. So, select policies that genuinely captivate your interest.
Once you have completed this assignment, you will submit it to your instructor for feedback and guidance. Your instructor’s feedback will help you decide which single policy to pursue for your capstone project.
APA Resources
Franklin University APA Library GuideLinks to an external site.
Sample APA-formatted PaperLinks to an external site.
Video Tutorial:
Action Items
Consider: Your capstone will focus on a local or state policy, and this first week you will explore different possibilities. Begin by considering that public policy is “government in action” aimed at solving a public problem.
Enabling legislation provides the legal framework and authority for government agencies to implement public policies. It empowers agencies to carry out programs and enforce regulations within defined boundaries. For example, the Clean Air Act is enabling legislation for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate air pollution and set emission standards, and the Social Security Act provides the legal basis for the Social Security Administration to administer retirement and disability benefits.
Public policy extends beyond legislation like the Affordable Care Act (ACA); it encompasses a range of governmental initiatives, and is not limited to the process of a bill becoming law or even the laws themselves.
Public policy includes regulations that provide instructions for implementing and enforcing legislative mandates. For example, environmental regulations issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or safety regulations promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are part of public policy.
Public policy also encompasses government priorities and initiatives. Examples include the USDA’s MyPlate nutrition guidance aimed at promoting healthy eating habits and the US Forest Service’s Smokey the Bear campaign designed to prevent forest fires.
Public policies often originate from “focusing events” – significant occurrences or crises that capture public attention and propel specific issues to the forefront of the policy agenda. Examples of focusing events include natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, tragic incidents like the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, or public health emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing events trigger public outcry, legislative action, and the development of new policies to address underlying issues and/or prevent similar occurrences in the future.
Watch: Watch this video that provides a visual explanation of the instructions below.
Research: Explore the websites listed in Module 1 Preparation to identify current state and local policies, initiatives, reforms, and issues that are interesting to you and align with your degree. Federal policies are not allowed.
Identify: Based on your research, select 3 different policies that you find compelling and worthy of analysis. For this assignment, you are developing 3 possibilities. Remember to focus on state and local policies only. Click here to dive deeper and learn more.Download Click here to dive deeper and learn more.
Complete: Your Proposal should treat all 3 policies equally, and each should be supported with robust research evidenced by APA citations. Structure your proposal using the subheadings below to clearly identify each required section:
Title Page: Include an APA-formatted title page that includes a unique title suitable for your submission.
Develop an engaging overview that explains your decision to focus on the 3 policies you selected. Be sure to address how the selected policies align with your research interests or professional goals.
Click here to dive deeper and learn more.Download Click here to dive deeper and learn more.
Address each policy in its own section using the following subsections: Introduction, Rationale, and Policy Analysis.
Click here to dive deeper and learn more.Download Click here to dive deeper and learn more.
References: Include all and only the sources you used to inform your writing.
Word Count: Your proposal should fall between 2000 to 4000 words (including Title Page and References). Please adhere to this specified word count.
Writing Style: Due to the nature of this assignment, using first person is appropriate and acceptable.
Format: Papers must conform to American Psychological Association (APA)Links to an external site. formatting standards. Use the APA Resources provided above.
Editing and Flow: Your submission should reflect a careful editing process and demonstrate your best writing and critical analysis. Sections should be woven together in a logical and cohesive way using topic sentences, fully developed paragraphs, transition sentences, and properly formatted APA subheadings.
Submit: Submit the completed first draft of your Word document.
Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
Access your Turnitin report by reviewing your Submission Details for this assignment.
Revise your work if needed based on the feedback.
By the due date indicated, submit the final version of your work.
Module 1: Capstone Project Proposal
Module 1: Capstone Project Proposal
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverview
20 to >18.0 pts
Overview effectively introduces the proposal, is exceptionally engaging, and captures the reader’s attention. The context provided for the chosen policies is thorough and insightful, offering a clear understanding of the motivations behind the selections. Demonstrates a deep connection between the policies and your research interests/professional goals. It is well-written and exhibits a high level of critical thinking.
18 to >17.0 pts
Overview introduces the proposal. The context for the chosen policies is adequately provided, offering a satisfactory understanding of the reasons for selection. The connection between the policies and your research interests or professional goals is evident, though it could be further developed.
17 to >0 pts
Overview is somewhat weak. The context for the chosen policies is minimal, leaving questions about the reasons behind selection. Connection between the policies and your research interests or professional goals is somewhat unclear and/or underdeveloped.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePolicy Analysis
45 to >40.0 pts
You propose 3 relevant, significant, and/or innovative contemporary policies that are discipline-specific and address real-world challenges. You thoroughly address requirements of each sub-section, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the policy’s background, subject matter, intended outcomes, impact, challenges, limitations, current status, and potential future changes. Use of source support demonstrates thorough research and/or a solid understanding of the policy areas. The policy analysis showcases critical thinking and an ability to identify important policy issues within your field of study.
40 to >38.0 pts
You propose at least 2 discipline-specific policies that fit capstone criteria. You adequately address requirements of each subsection, covering the policy’s background, subject matter, intended outcomes, impact, challenges, limitations, current status, and potential future changes. Use of sources is present and demonstrates an effort to incorporate relevant references. The policy analysis shows some critical thinking and ability to identify policy issues within your field of study.
38 to >0 pts
The proposal falls short of meeting assignment criteria: (1) Only one discipline-specific policy is proposed. (2) Proposed policies do not align with your field of study and/or the objectives of the capstone project. (3) You partially address the expectations of each section of the policy analysis, displaying limitations in adequately covering the policy’s background, subject matter, intended outcomes, impact, challenges, limitations, current status, and potential future changes. (4) Proposed policies lack significance/do not address a contemporary policy issue. (5) Suggests a limited understanding of current issues. (6) Fails to showcase thorough research. (7) Limited use of scholarly articles or authoritative sources, which impacts the proposal’s depth and credibility.
45 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeState or Local Focus
10 to >9.0 pts
All 3 proposed policies are state or local policies that clearly fit capstone criteria.
9 to >8.0 pts
Only 2 proposed policies are state or local policies.
8 to >0 pts
Only 1 or none of the policies are state or local policies.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWord Count
10 pts
Submission falls within stated word count.
0 pts
Submission does not fall within stated word count.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting, References, and Writing Quality
15 to >13.0 pts
Formatting adheres to APA formatting guidelines. In-text citations and references are accurate and properly formatted. Properly formatted APA References page with no errors or very minor errors noted. Submission is well-written and clearly articulated, demonstrating mastery of graduate-level writing. Writing demonstrates exceptional grammar, spelling accuracy, and sentence structure that contribute to its clarity and flow. Ideas are effectively presented in well-organized and coherent sentences. Writing shows evidence that a thorough editing process occurred prior to submission.
13 to >12.0 pts
Follows APA formatting guidelines most of the time. Some errors noted. APA References page included with few APA errors. Writing contains minor errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that only minimally affect flow/clarity.
12 to >0 pts
Includes multiple inconsistencies and/or errors in APA formatting. In-text citations and references significantly deviate from APA standards. References page missing, incomplete, or included but with significant deviations from APA standards. Writing contains consistent errors in grammar, spelling, paragraphing, clarity, and/or disruptions in flow. Writing quality undermines clarity.
15 pts
Total Points: 100

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