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·       Topic: Industrial Psychology Legal and Ethical Issues ·       Write sepa

June 20, 2024

Topic: Industrial Psychology Legal and Ethical Issues
Write separate responses in 140 words each to both
Discussion Reply 1
If businesses had
known ten years ago that remote work would have advanced the way it has, they
would have been prepared when COVID-19 hit. However, some businesses had to
adapt quickly to create a remote workplace environment, while others took much
longer. According to Smith (2020), COVID-19 forced companies worldwide to
promptly adopt modern practices and technologies of working from home; for
some, it was a costly adaption. The practices and technologies have helped
organizations survive the COVID-19 crisis and unleashed unexpected benefits and
opportunities that wouldn’t have been possible (Smith, 2020). While curbside
pick was a foreign language before COVID-19, it has become very convenient and,
at the same time, provides jobs.
According to
Martineau (2022), as COVID-19 spread worldwide, workplaces in the public and
private sectors scrambled to develop work models to keep employees safe while
continuing their mission. While businesses and governments throughout the
world, the shift to remote work was abrupt, the missions of the organizations
wouldn’t be under siege because of COVID; businesses had to figure things out,
and while it was a challenge, there have been advantages and benefits not only
for businesses but also employees. The author states that while remote work can
help build a more vital work-life balance and eliminate long, stressful
commutes, it can also challenge team collaboration, and management should find
ways to increase teamwork.
Even for
technology companies like Zoom and Google Meets, which provide services for
different sizes of meetings for different participants around the world, all
the same came as a challenge, I would think, but as time has gone by,
Technology continues to evolve, it has gotten more reliable and CEO and those
in leadership don’t have to cancel meetings because of travel. Zoom enables
meeting on the go.
P. (2022). SHIFT/WORK: As some employees Return to the Office,
Agencies consider How to support a Remote Workforce. Government
Technology, 35(6), 22 26. https://eds.p.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=e392a23f-3378-4f0c-b978-7ec9336ccf6d%40redis
D. (2020, December 18). Evolution and Revolution in the Workplace:
Remote Work has Altered Business Forever. Teradici. https://connect.teradici.com/blog/remote-work-has-altered-business-forever
Discussion Reply 2
I reviewed “How Remote Work is Transforming
Organizational Dynamics” by Fast Company.
The article from
Fast Company discusses the profound changes remote work has brought to
organizational dynamics. It highlights how companies adopt hybrid work models,
invest in technology, and rethink their approaches to employee engagement and
organizational culture.
The shift to
remote work has significantly altered the landscape of organizational
psychology, impacting businesses in various ways. Many companies have adopted
hybrid work models, a strategic move combining remote and in-office work. This
approach provides flexibility while maintaining a sense of community, enhancing
job satisfaction, retention rates, and work-life balance. Businesses are not
just investing in technology, they are strategically investing in collaboration
tools, cybersecurity, and other technologies to support remote work. This
ensures long-term productivity and efficiency, giving us confidence in the
sustainability of remote work.
Companies are also
implementing virtual team-building activities, regular check-ins, and
transparent communication to keep employees engaged and connected in a remote
setting. The reduced need for physical office space has led to cost savings,
which are being redirected towards enhancing remote work infrastructure. Remote
work has expanded the talent pool, allowing companies to hire from a broader
geographical area, attracting diverse talent and supporting inclusive hiring
Overall, remote
work options have shown several benefits to organizations’ bottom lines,
including reduced real estate expenses and a greater talent pool, as well as
significant steps towards greater work-life balance for employees.
Fast Company.
(2022). How remote work is transforming organizational dynamics? Retrieved from
Fast Company.
Markets Insider.
(2024). S&P 500 stock: S&P 500 companies, S&P 500 value. Retrieved
from Markets Insider.

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